Monday, 1 November 2010

DiSC Introduction

The DISC profile, also called the DISC Personality Test behavioral assessment, is a psychological evaluation test similar to the Myers-Briggs personality index and the Social Styles profile. It evaluates an individual's personality by using a four-dimensional model of behavior, with the dimensions being Dominant, Influencing, Steadiness, and Conscientious.


The DISC profile was developed in 1928 by the psychologist William Moulton Marston, the creator of Wonder Woman comics and of the first operational lie detector.


The DISC profile reveals how an individual will react under different circumstances and situations, such as during communication, in conflict and under stress. DISC profiles are used for the management of organisations, teams, groups and individuals, and are invaluable tools to create connection and rapport with people.


DISC profiles are commonly employed in personal, business and corporate situations to gain personal and professional insights. They allow people to better understand themselves, their weaknesses, their strengths and their motivational factors. DISC profiles provide strategies and insights for interpersonal success through tolerance, understanding and effective communication. DISC profiles are routinely used by managers to assess their teams and the personalities of individual players. The DISC profile is a useful communication tool, for it allows managers to isolate team members with personalities in opposite quadrants in an effort to ensure work progresses without any hindrance.


DISC profiles allow individuals to realise their challenges and strengths and those of others; reduce conflict and enhance communication and collaboration; create awareness on how best to deal with diverse personality and communication styles; and enhance mentoring and coaching skills. A DISC profile is accurate and quick, and technological advancements have made it possible for individuals to take the test online and receive immediate feedback. It is fully customizable and can be adapted to generate results in multiple languages.


Human beings are complex creatures that are driven to behave differently under different situations and circumstances. It is not necessary that a person adopt the same approach to a situation or a problem every time it arises. Individuals are creatures of emotion, and usually settle on that course of action from which they can derive maximum benefit and/or satisfaction. While the DISC profile is an effective tool to present an overall assessment of a person or a group, it falls short of providing a comprehensive personality overview.

Should you be interested in using DiSC please contact us, we can also advise on a range of more comprehensive personality tools or on tools that measure a teams dynamic profile.

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